Last night, I attended my first “real” NFL game ever. In case you wondering what a “fake” NFL game is, I’ve attended two Pro Bowls and the Hall of Fame game, neither of which counted for anything other than pride/practice so I don’t consider those legit outings.
My company just happens to have 4 season tickets to the Cowboys inaugural season at Cowboys Stadium and last night, those tickets were mine. William and I thought long and hard about who to bring to this exciting event with our two extra tickets and decided that it was only fitting that we bring the men that brought us into this world and gave us a love of the game, our dads. My dad drove in all the way from Amarillo, TX to attend the big event with us and Mr. Mark Spencer came in from Tyler to share the evening as well.
From the mega-huge-monstrous-enormous HD video screen to the very posh “Cowboys Club,” the new stadium makes you feel like only the Highland Park elite are Cowboys fans, until the fan cam scans the crowd and reveals the same drunk, tatted up couple in Romo jerseys and foam cowboy hats dancing uncontrollably in the mid-upper deck.
Here’s a truly horrible picture of William and I down the aisle from our seats…did I mention that they were 2nd row on about the 47 yard line? Oh, yeah, they were. I am now spoiled for all future Cowboy events where I have to sit anywhere but on the 1st or 2nd row.
The afore-mentioned video board…this turned out to actually be kind of distracting. When you’re sitting that close to the players, you would think you’d rather watch the action going on right in front of you rather than up above you on the screen. My dad said once he caught himself watching the screen and then looking down at the field for the replay…oops.
We were actually pictured on this board sometime during the 2nd quarter for about 5 seconds. We appropriately smiled and waved and watched ourselves on the giant screen.
A couple of little offensive plays (these were probably not the 2 that actually resulted in a gain). Despite the lack of offensive charisma, the Cowboys won their first regular season game in the new stadium 21-7, and we were there to witness history.
Just a note to fans planning to attend games in the future, please allow 2.5 hours to get back to Dallas from the stadium if you stay until the end of the game. Arlington and the organization could really use a good civil engineer to figure out an exit strategy for the 100,000 fans that attend games. Anyone know where I could find one of those?