1.Friday night we enjoyed an amazing rehearsal dinner with old friends and new and drank some “cool” margarita’s and paid tribute to a super Cool couple in our lives, John Paul Schulze and Katie Booras.

2.After that, we returned home for a more intimate gathering of some great friends and hung out on our cool new-ish deck and patio furniture. Very Cool.
3.I woke up early on Saturday morning (kind of not cool) but the weather was so Cool (71 degrees), I decided to go for a run and it felt so good outside, I did my longest distance in quite awhile.
4.Spent the day relaxing and running errands before heading out to the Booras/Schulze wedding, where my friends had given me the honor of singing a little number about Jesus. Again, Very Cool.
5.The reception after was one of the most fun ones I’ve attended…and they had my favorite, mac n’ cheese, on the buffet. Super Cool.
6.Sunday, went to the new Dallas Northway campus of The Village Church for the first time. We’re very excited about our new church location and obviously I am going to describe the first service as very Cool. (http://northway.thevillagechurch.net/)
7.After sweating through most of the summer in our NOT AT ALL COOL upstairs bedroom, William installed a window unit for us!
We slept at a refreshingly COOL 68 degrees and, for the first time in our own bed(pictured below), were cool enough to use the comforter and cuddle a little.
8.Spent Sunday evening at the park where our REALLY COOL pup and I watched William play some soccer. My dog is undeniably cool, and my husband is as well.
The only not so cool in my life is probably me, because of the cheesy-ness of this post. Oh well.